“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
Albert Einstein
This is my husband's boss while he is at work. Talk about an intimidating workplace. This is Coach Dennis Felton, the head basketball coach at the University of Georgia, and he is also JT's boss. I am putting his picture on here today because they have game against the Auburn Tigers. We really need to win this game after LSU stomped us on Wednesday night. In our defense, LSU is VERY good. I get to listen to the game on my computer, which is refreshing and exciting for me. It also lets me feel closer to home.
I have been studying most of the day, along with boiling water. I can take my bottles to campus to refill but they are heavy to carry home. I figured that since I was going to be home all day I would go ahead to refill them. I have to be on campus at 6 for a TA session in the anatomy lab. Otherwise I will be here studying. I better get going.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
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Natalie Henderson
2:52 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man." ~Rabindranath Tagore
Meet Stella Fox....Her parents have taught her the most important form of nonverbal communication that exists. Okay, her mom and my good friend, Emily, swears that she was not posed but rather did that on her own. Regardless, it is very cute. She is a wonderful baby that I wish I had more time to know. Pictures like this only reiterate the beauty of life to me....Yeah sometimes it is completely awful, but babies have a way of putting things into perspective. Also, looking at Stella makes me realize that, in time, I really want my own children.
As for me, I am doing well. I have been studying and that is about it. I did help a girl carry her package from her dad home today. She live twenty minutes away and in the sweltering heat, that was exercise enough. But can you believe it, her dad shipped her mcdonald's food. It is so bizarre to me...oh well....to each her or his own.
I got a package from my mom today and own from my aunt Pam on Monday. They were both fabulous...great food from both...plenty of mushrooms, crystal light, south beach bars...Pam sent me a blanket and teddy bear and an awesome candle that changes colors when it is lit. I love that because it gives me different colors. Mom sent me SOFT sheets, panties, tees, and shorts....There are many more things I am forgeting, but I was so excited to get anything that the surplus was great.
Well gotta go eat and study some more!
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Natalie Henderson
7:11 PM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
“It's no use reminding yourself daily that you are mortal: it will be brought home to you soon enough”
Albert Camus (the author of THE STRANGER, which not surprisingly I read in high school).
My college friend, Leslie Peek, sent me this picture of Van Meter Hall at Western Kentucky University, where I went to college. I like to look at it to remind it is cold somewhere. If anyone has more good snow pictures, please pass them this way.
I chose the quote above because I met my cadaver today. It was a strange experience, to touch a dead person, that is. We did name her, to give her respect and remind that she was a real person. We call her Sally. Someone suggested Gretchen. I laughed and said absolutely not. The smell is not very pleasant but that was to be expected. So far I like my group and I hope it stays that way.
Well, I need to do some more reading and eat dinner before it is too late... Have good week.
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Natalie Henderson
7:06 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006
"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."
from www.storypeople.com
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Natalie Henderson
5:37 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Because five minutes at the fair, you'll be going, 'you know, we're alright. We are dang near royalty.”
Jeff Foxworthy
Isn't that quote so hilarious and so very true....especially if you have been to a state fair in the South (Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee). The picture to the right is at Jt's game against Ole Miss. He is such a great guy. He called Yvie and asked her if she wanted to bring the kids and Darron to the game. It makes me love him so much more to know that he will go out of his way, despite the fact that he is busy, to do things for my friends even when I am not there. That makes me feel so overwhelmed with love for him. So anyways, that is my friend Yvie (yvette), her three kids (Tyler, the little one, Kerilynn, the girl in the pink, and Brandon, whose next to JT), Darron, and his son DJ. It makes me so happy to pictures of them in almost real time. It allows me to imagine them there and having fun and laughing. Granted it makes me miss everyone, yet it gives me peace that life is happy and normal, going on as it should.
I did end up going to the beach yesterday. It was not very sunny so tanning was not an objective. My objective was actually to exercise. I did not swim laps or anything like that. However, swiming casually out and back along with fighting the undertow was enough. The sand was black because the island was formed on a volcano, thus making the sand black like the remnant ashes. The beach is called Bell Hall but don't ask me why. It is about a ten minute drive and we got a nice transport driver to take us and pick us up.
I did do something quite silly last night. I had every intention of getting up and going to Ross Christian fellowship at eleven this morning which is about right now. However, last night I started taking notes from my enzyme lecture and could not stop once I started. Therefore, I did not see the bed till 3am, meaning I did not get up till 10:45....I am going to start some reading now. Call me or email me pictures! Monday is my mom's birthday. Everyone call her 931 881 1255, her number at work, so don't forget....it is special birthday but I won't tell her age....
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Natalie Henderson
8:12 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
This is a giant block of whatever is most difficult for you to carry & trust me on this, you'll carry it more times than you can count until you decide that's exactly what you want to do most & then it won't weigh a thing anymore.
-from www.storypeople.com
This was tonight's sunset. It is quite magnificent. It is the first night this week that I have been home to capture it. It has been an overwhelming week, but this sunset made me feel grounded. It is beautfiul and I wanted to share it.
I am quite excited because we are going to the beach tomorrow. There is supposed to be a good beach about 10 minutes away and I am going to swim for exercise and hopefully tan a bit. I have decided to let Saturdays be my 'sleep-in' day so that I will get up on Sundays and go to the Christian fellowship service. That should help me regain focus and put a lot of things into perspective. So I plan to sleep late tomorrow, study, go to the beach, and study. What a plan! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed so studying is the best option for me right now.
I hope everything is going on at home. I miss JT...I really miss my mom and dad and Bob and Gretchen and Terri and Asia and Sarah and Yvette and Sharon and Jimmy and Grandma Morris and Wiz and Kati. I miss everyone, even if I did not say your name, know that I miss you. I miss you so much. Please write me or call me or anything. I live for those calls and emails. They brighten my day greatly. I love you guys!
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Natalie Henderson
8:44 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
I wanted to post some pictures of my white coat ceremony. I don't have much time now to write. I really need to be studying but I had to come home because I was a bit overwhelmed with everything from today. We had class from 8 till 3 with a lunch break. It was a long day. I may add more tonight. I miss everyone.
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Natalie Henderson
4:54 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.
Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895) (I have posted this before and found it be a good one for now as well.)
This picture, tonight just after sunset. is quite depictive of how I often feel. In that, I mean the clouds represent the fears and doubt and loneliess that sometimes sneak to the forefront of my mind and heart. However, the pink and orange and honey-colored light in the background are fighting despartely to get through and conquer the fear, much like in the picture. It was beautiful and vivid in person. The clouds were grayish blue and transluscent.
I have been a bit lazy today. I went over my cell bio notes and was determined to do biochem but his lectures frustrate me so much that I can't get going. We get a new professor tomorrow when we begin discussing DNA structure and replication. That should make it much better. Physio was pretty good today but required more mathematical skills. Adding the mathematics to the conceptual ideas made the ideas much more tangible and easier to understand. I do need to review those notes as well. I did go to the gym today....that was productive. My friend Kim is in the scholars program and they took a quiz today. She then gave me the quiz when she came over. I got 13 out 18. That is not great but not terrible. It did show me that I do need to review some biochemistry concepts. I have learned the back quite well. I would appreciate it sometime to have someone call me and let me tell them about their back... Saying it aloud makes a big difference in the internalization of the material. So if anyone has back pain, I will try to pinpoint the location even though telling why is not in my repoitre. YET.
Tomorrow is my white coat ceremony. I am really excited because it is the formal induction into the medical community of students, teachers, residents, doctors, and beyond. However, it is a bit sad. I wish my family and friends could witness the event. I am going to take pictures of my friends and myself to post on here and email to whomever wants them. I debated on what to wear but I wanted to wear my green stiletos...Because of that, I chose my green shirt set and floral green and blue skirt. I think green is my best color, so at least I will hopefully look good. I will definitely take pictures.
Tonight JT plays Kentucky on ESPN and I GET TO SEE HIM.. I am so excited. It does not come on until 10 here, but I can not wait. I enjoy hearing from you guys. I love you dearly and can't wait to see everyone...OH! I almost forgot. I get to come home five days sooner. My final is the 18th so I am coming home the 20th. I am so jacked....Anyways, have a good night and watch ESPN.
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Natalie Henderson
5:26 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
If there's no struggle, there's no progress- Frederick Douglas (Thank you for the quote. You know who you are...)
The view is of the national park, Cabrits, from campus...I did not take this today but wanted to put a picture up. We are in study group but I think I have a touch of ADHD in that if I get the least bit bored.....I am done. Like now, we are discussing titrations curves for biochemistry. Though I don't know all about it, I am bored. I like my study group a whole lot and do learn a lot and am challenged when we are doing questions.. However, the vague explanations that are sometimes given bore me. I am guilty of giving them myself....yet, I am bored.
The sunset tonight was gorgeous but I did not have my camera. It was turquoise and aqua and tha clouds were orange...It was breathtaking.....if only I could have taken a picture. Today was quite boring class. I had read the material before class and something about both presentations were quite boring. I struggled to take notes but I made it through. However, like the quote says, if I did not struggle, I would not progress, in school or life. After that, I studied most of the day. Joyce bought me lunch at the shacks and it was "ok". Story of the food here. The only thing at the shacks I have found to like is a meat pie, which like a breakfast potpie. Well that is all I have for now because I am heading home.
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Natalie Henderson
6:36 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." -Alan Kay
More studying today....I did sleep later but late morning and early afternoon were devoted to my studies. I was able to speak to several family and friends, which made me feel better. I love talking to people because it makes me feel closer to home. However, it can be hard to focus on my studying. I will probably flip though my subjects again before I go to bed, but tonight I wanted to watch television and decompress before this week begins anew with mostly BioChem and Cell Bio. It was nice however, though, today to be alone and chill. I am not finished either.. I plan to pluck my eyebrows and shave my legs. I can't paint my toenails because I don't have polish but I would like to that if I could.
Not much else is happening. Nevertheless, I wanted to at least post something...Hope you have a good week.
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Natalie Henderson
6:20 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
"We lay there & looked up at the night sky & she told me about stars called blue squares & red swirls & I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own." ~from storypeople
I am not sure if you can read the writing on the artwork, so I posted the writing above. The artwork is the illustration that accompanies this particular storypeople quote. Each quote has an illustration that is very colorful and abstract. I quite like them because of the ability of the art and quotations to adapt to the different and varying people who read them and the relatability of situations in which the readers' lives take them.
Moving on...Today was packed with mostly studying. I awoke early the to knock at my door; it was the man to pick up my laundry. And for those of you who know me well, realize I can not go back to sleep very readily after waking up. I decided to go to the gym and then study...I stayed in the library from about nine till three. JT's game versus South Carolina was on at four so that was a definite priority for me. Kim came over and listened to the game with me, which, by the way, we WON...on a last second shot by Levi! After the game and we ate scrambled eggs and baked beans, we met Joyce and Sandra for a study session. We had great intentions of reviewing all five subjects from the past week, cell bio, physio, anatomy, biochem, and dps. However, we did a real in-depth look at cell biology but only got to half of anatomy...our brains are fried but we will be back in the game tomorrow.
Anyways, that is about it. Talk to you later.
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Natalie Henderson
10:12 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
Trust Me......I'm Almost A Doctor!
“By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too.”
William Shakespeare
Like with most things I do, the quote above is very intentional. In not too many days, I will begin dissecting a cadaver. However, I don't think of this body as a cadaver right now. As I have seen them thus far, they are in blue body bags, but below the bags are someone's mothers and fathers and grandmas and best friends. I know that I have to form a sense of detachment and simultaneously deal with my own mortality. Yet, despite what will be required of me as part of educational pursuits, I still have a facet of my personality that feels deeply for people and values relationships to the point that cutting dead people surmounts feelings of educational progress and teeters on the border seriously disturbing. I will move beyond this; our first lab focuses on these issues. They do not make us dissect on the first day for reasons of apprehension from more students than me. I just wanted to express my feelings regarding this.
Today was a good day. After class at eleven, I was going to work out but after catching up with Raquel, we decided to have lunch in Portsmouth. We had fried chicken and fries. It was only okay and I did not eat very much. We then went to Tina's store so that I could get some groceries....I got canned peas, eggs, a bottle of soda, a pint of ice cream, salt, toilet paper, and a few other goods. The cost may surprise you so I won't tell...However, it was a bit heavy on the half of a mile back to Raquel's place....And we stopped and got some green peppers, mini sweet bananas and banana juice, which is superb I must say. We dropped our groceries at her place and went back to study. I studied from 2 till 6. Kim and I decided to get dinner. Tomato's deli was closed and chinese and pizza did not cut it. We went to Jones store, bought frozen shrimp linguine and strawberry cake and drug my collection of groceries plus my back-up of school supplies up the hill home. We have been chilling since, watching TV and such.
I did learn quite a bit in my studying of the back today. I drew color-coded pictures and everything. I still have a lot of studying for tomorrow and Sunday. Anyways, I am going to eat our strawberry cake. What a treat!
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Natalie Henderson
7:50 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
"Lost in Translation"
There are some days when no matter what I say it feels like I'm far away in another country & whoever is doing the translating has had far too much to drink.
from www.storypeople.com
That is my baby, Asia, on the left. I miss her so much. Obviously not as much as I miss her daddy, but nevertheless I miss her. I wanted to put her picture on her to remind me and everyone that the end will be here before we know it. At least from my end I really hope so. But I really miss my baby.. She used to take her head and put it under my chin and cuddle. And I would get so frustrated with her but now, now I wished she would every annoying thing if she were just here. I would love to have her curl against me at night or play with the squeaky pink bone. I just really miss her and basically everything about home. I am doing fine and adjusting, but I still miss it. VERY MUCH.
Today, class went well. I felt good about the notes but I still feel uneasy with all of the anatomy we learned yesterday. We had a group study session. One of the girls used to be a tutor. And maybe it is just me, but I feel as if she was talking at us rather than with us. It makes feel very detached and frustrated. So I told her on IM tonight. She acted really offended and I apologized over and over. I may have ruined that impending friendship but I could not be frustrated and waste my learning time. Anyways, I had to vent. Did I do the right thing? Guess we will see. Well I am tired....Bye
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Natalie Henderson
8:41 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't you're right"- Mary Kay Ash
'What we see depends mainly on what we look for.'- Sir John Lubbock
These are my friends, and we have been studying together every night. On the left is Sandra. She is a mother of two, a one year-old girl and a three year old son, from Atlanta and is of Nigerian descent. In the middle is Joyce but her real name is Omeche, a name of Nigerian origin. On the right is Kim. She is from outside of San Antonio, Texas and used to work at wilderness camps for juveniles.
Today was a very difficult day. In one hour, Dr. Laura Welke went over the entire deep, intermediate, and superficial intrinisic and extrinisic back muscles. It was like a whirlwind....I had to go over it all again and make new notes. Tomorrow we have Cell Biology and Physiology. I am a bit lost in those classes at this point even though I have read the material. I know about cytoplasm and nucleii but the handouts make it sound more difficult than it is. Oh well, though, our study sessions have helped so far so I except they will continue to do so.
I just wanted to say to everyone that I miss you so much. I can't explain it. I don't get sad or homesick as often, but it is a feeling when the room is dark. When I am alone and the room is dark, I can hear and see the people I miss. So, even if I don't act like it or seem busy, I still miss and think of you.
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Natalie Henderson
6:45 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Hard to Forget
I was waiting for such a long time, she said. I thought you forgot. It's hard to forget, I said, when there is such an empty space when you are gone. (This is to my girlfriends.)
~from www.storypeople.com
Today was the second day of class. We had Doctor Patient and Society as well as Biochemistry today. DPS focused on substance abuse and biochem was on carbohydrates, amino acids, and proteins. I went to the gym after class then went to study in the library. Printing in the library was backed for three hours today....It was unsane, as Taylor Whobry used to say. However, it gave me time to study.
After I left the library, my friend Joyce came over and we studied anatomy together. She left to go eat with her roommate and my study partner and friend, Kim, came over. We cooked spaghetti....And can you believe it...I, yes me, made homemade, hand-squeezed tangerine and orange juice. We went over biochem and anatomy.
They are introducing us to a new class tomorrow. Cell Biology...sounds like a lot of fun. So I am going to go to bed and rest...lots of work tomorrow. Love you guys!
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Natalie Henderson
7:46 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Beauty is one of the rare things that do not lead to doubt of God.
Jean Anouilh
Again, I can not resist the sunsets. They more magnificent than anything I have ever seen. They would only be more great if I could move that hill slightly to the left. Or maybe I should just walk to that point on the beach to further enjoy the sunset. However, since today was the first day of class, I feel entreated to study....study anatomy, biochem, DPS(doctor, patient, and society), and physiology, though it is not till Thursday. Even though I had prepared for class today, in anatomy, I heard quite a few terms that seemed like Latin to me....literally and figuratively. Anatomy class lasted for two hours as did biochem. Dr. Martin, the anatomy professor was much for intriguing than was Dr. Smolanoff, the biochem professor...However, they both are equally qualified and educated. Nevertheless, I found anatomy very intriguing and intimidating. I found biochemistry a bit more interesting because I am not too far removed from organic chemistry, which is much of the basis for biochemistry. I did learn some really cool things....if you want to know about scarring and stretch marks, email me, I know things about them now.
Just so you know, I really miss everyone. Thank you to all of those who email me. I appreciate it greatly. To those of you who don't, I really miss you and would like to hear from you as often as you can make time. I really miss everyone. I must go study now.
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Natalie Henderson
4:53 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -Confucius
I must be very intelligent because after the last few hours of studying Biochemistry and Anatmony, I am only beginning to understand the MANY facets of my own ignorance. That is right, I have been studying even before class starts. I do not want to get behind so I am going to start by being ahead...I hope. Since classes start tomorrow, I wanted to begin reading and note-taking today.
Today started off slow. I woke up later than normal, around 9am Atlantic time. I laid in bed for a while watching Raising Helen with Kate Hudson. It was a cute movie but really made me miss my friends and family. So once I was in that mood, I got really down and sad. However, I eventually decided to clean and begin studying. My friend Kim came over this afternoon because I told her she could use my Vonage. We also went over our schedule and expectations. She is older than I am and has been out of school a while so she is apprehensive in similar but different ways from me. It is good, though, to have someone to talk to down here...finally.
Well, I am tired and nervous. Again as a nerd, I will get up early to get ready and go to class...So I must go to bed. Hope to hear from any of you soon. I REALLY MISS EVERYONE!
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Natalie Henderson
10:06 PM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi
I walked more today than I have walked in forever. I went on the 'island tour'. It would have been better named the island HIKE. We went to several waterfalls, a sulfur springs, the southern tip of the island, and an overlook in the capital. At evey location we had to hike...I am not exaggerating when I say that I extremely exhausted. The above pictures are from today. I am going to finish this post and head to bed. I am SOOOO tired.
Tomorrow I intend to begin my studies. I want to begin reading, taking notes, and such so that I feel in touch with what we will be doing Monday morning. I do have to go to campus for a bit tomorrow to pick up my Ross ID. I may go to the gym but after today's hike, I find it highly likely that I will be sore and the gym will not be necessary. Oh well, I am tired. Later....
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Natalie Henderson
8:19 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
"I wish you could have been there for the sun & the rain & the long, hard hills. For the sound of a thousand conversations scattered along the road. For the people laughing & crying & remembering at the end. But, mainly, I wish you could have been there. "
-from www.storypeople.com by Brian Andreas
(My friend Emily told me about this website because she got my Christmas present from there. You should check it out. I love there stuff, if only they shipped down here.)
The picture is of tonight's sunset. I was talking to Yvie on the phone, looked out the window and saw it. I could not resist taking a picture. I love the pinks and purples. When I was a kid and Melinda Pence babysat us, Morgan, Gretchen, Sara, and I used to look at the sunsets and choose the colors that were ours. Morgan took blue, Gretchen got purple, I got pink, and Sara got the leftover colors. That is the memory that this sunset elicits.
Today was more orientation. It was a long day, but I accomplished a lot. I got my books, my local cell phone, my computer configured, and went to most of the sessions. Like I said before, I am a nerd and bought all of the books. They are so dang heavy. I paid the driver to bring them home for me. It is only $3,50 USD and it was worth every penny of it. I am going to get them out of the bag tonight and look through all them....It is overwhelming to think I will know all that information in such a short amount of time.
I met a lady named Sandra today from Atlanta. She is 31 with a one year old and three year old and a husband in Fairview, an area of Atlanta. When I think of the sacrifice she is making, my problems seem quite small. She is really cool....I have met a lot of really nice and interesting people the past few days. I have decided to go on the island tour tomorrow because I can not get JT's game on TV. I also thought that after school starts I will not have time to see this beautiful place. I will take plenty of pictures, and hopefully, meet some more people.
Have a good weekend!
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Natalie Henderson
5:13 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
"I have learned a great truth in life. We do not succeed in spite of our challenges and difficulties, but rather, precisely because of them."
- Richard Paul Evans from The Looking Glass
Above, I am in Roseau, the capital of Dominica, looking down on the city. I went here when Mom was still around. We had a good time there.
Today was registration and jam packed. I received my financial aid check, my locker (yes, a locker), my class schedule day-by-day for the entire semester, my id picture taken, but no books. I was really disappointed I did not get my books because I am so nervous that I want to begin my ready and note taking. I want to get ahead rather start out behind. To do so , I did decide to print out the first two biochemistry handouts to review along with making note cards for the twenty amino acids...sounds fun to all of you doesn't it?
After all of that, I went a mini class on how to use the campus email and computers....that was a blast. I did go to the gym tonight and ran-walked for 30 minutes. I am really trying to lose weight. We will see how it goes. There is not a whole lot I feel like eating so, and that in cahoots with walking all of the time, I will hopefully do so. I am trying to eat reasonably well...
Anyway, I am going to work on my notecards and review the packet I received today. Tomorrow I have more orientation and hopefully will get those books...Have a good night.
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Natalie Henderson
5:13 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
"There were always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and bewildered,who felt she was drowning and another who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage,conceal her true emotions because they were weaknesses, helplessness, despair,and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest." -Anais Nin
Upper left: Inside classroom 5, Upper Right: From campus looking onto the shacks, 2nd Left: Looking down the main drive on campus, 2nd Right: Picnic tables on campus, 3rd Left: Entrance to Gross Anatomy (where they house the cadavers), 3rd Right: New Classroom Building on Campus, 4th Left: a portion of the road I take to campus, 4th Right: Looking at James Store and Perky's Pizza from campus, Bottom: Other buildings.....Hope you enjoy!
I, being the sports fan that I am, am watching the Rose Bowl, which this year features Texas vs. USC. I couldn't be married to JT Henderson and not be an avid sports fan...Many of the guys I meet here are quite surprised that a girl would know that Juan Pierre was traded from the Marlins to the Cubs, which is great for the Cubbies because Pierre is a great lead off guy....Or that the Houston Texans will likely get Reggie Bush from USC in the draft because they, the Texans, have the worst record in the NFL...Or more importantly, that the NCAA only allows collegiate basketball teams to have twenty hours weekly of practice time but allow unlimited time during breaks, like summer and Christmas, but restrict coaches to go to any high school or middle games unless the player or coaches being watched are immediately family (brother or sister) unless it is official recruiting season. This is useless information. I am sorry, but I could not resist. Sorry to you sports haters...
Anyway, today was orientation. As a whole, it was quite boring, but there were a few interesting items. We learned about the promotion policy. Not promotion in getting the school's name out, but promoting to the next semester. In essence, PASSING. I am not really worried about that, because, though I am afraid of failure as an overall concept, the way I determine failure is not by failing a class. I don't fail classes; I won't let myself because I am just as capable of it as the next person. Failure to me is letting myself down by not doing the 6 P's my dad taught me (Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance) and not getting it done. Everything else was concerning security, facilities, Information Technology, SGA...stuff like that. I did attend the cookout at 5pm tonight with Raquel. While there, I ate a HAMBURGER.....real beef. Most of the Indian students did not share my enthusiasm but I was jacked. I met an Indian girl named Dipa (spelling again is not certain) who is here with her husband. She is the student and he is just with her finishing his disertation for his PhD in communications. I met several other nice people, so going was advantageous for me.
Tomorrow I have registration at 10 am. It is not really registration in the sense that we pick our classes because we all have the same courses and we are all together. Yeah, I will see most of these people everyday for the next sixteen months, like it or not. Registration, basically. consists of getting your Ross ID, your financial aid check, and other necessary information. I will let you know the inconsequentials tomorrow. After that, I must go get my books. I, as most of you know, am a self-declared nerd, and I guess anyone who does professional programs be it medical, dental, pharmacy or likewise, represents some version of nerd. Nevertheless, being the nerd I am, as well as demonstrating my fear of failure and insufficiency, bought almost every book. I am excited to get started and to basically catch up to my classmates. Hopefully I can pay a transport to drive me and my books home because I don't think I can make it up Banana Trail with all of those books. Anyway...I will let you know how it goes. For now I must go to bed.
Again, I love getting emails, comments or likewise. Snailmail letters or pictures would be lovely as well. Also, I put quotes on here based on how I feel about myself and my life. Please tell me your feelings or interpretations. I like to know how others feel. It is somewhat like intellectually conversating with one another about life...we will both get smarter...Again, the nerd in me. Have a good day and love you guys.
Shared with you by
Natalie Henderson
8:44 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Natalie Henderson
Ross University School of Medicine
PO Box 266
Commonwealth of Dominica
West Indies
This is my address. Please beware that though I love getting mail and packages, shipping can be expensive and take some time. If you go www.rossmed.dm or www.rossu.edu, they have shipping suggestions. Basically, a card, some pictures, or simply an email would be great. Several of you have asked for it so here it is! Also, we are only one hour ahead of the east coast. Call anytime. If I am not here, you can leave a message. I now know how to use it.
"Every morning, I get up and look through the 'Forbes' list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work."- Robert Orben (or for me, school.)
Today I begin orienatation. It does not begin until six, which is about two or so hours from now. I am getting ready to shower and head that way but I wanted to post a short update before I do. The heat has been a bit overwhelming today; the heat index was 88 with 66% humidity. I awoke today around seven a.m. That is quite early but I fell asleep early so it makes sense. After waking up and posting my address on here, I waited for Hanah's laundry to pick up my dirty clothes, sheets, and towels. It is nice to NOT have to do laundry. However, there is a 24 hour turn around so I had to purchase sheets so I would not have to sleep on the bed-liner tonight. Hopefully, though, I will be getting some soft ones from the US, Mom, soon.
After that, I headed to the gym....I ran/walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill. I was quite proud of myself considering my weight gain and lack of being in shape. I then trekked the 40 yards to the bookstore to get a few small items, and then checked my financial aid. Luckily for me, my money is here and will be presented upon registration, which is Thursday. Unfortunately, my friend Mo was told it could be a week or two, which here could mean a month, before he gets his. He is a nice guy and I hate that for him. After buying a few small items like a spatula, postcards, the sheets, cheese, and plastic bowls, I came home. I will note that I was 'hit' on by a local gentleman. His name was Eric and it was comical....Don't worry, JT, you don't have any competition....Well, I must get ready. I will let you all know how orientation goes.....could go either way I am afraid.
Orientation was okay. I sat with Rakish and Sahran (I am not sure on the spellings; I met them and his family the second day I was here. I also met a tall, pretty black girl from Brooklyn tonight named Racquel. Again, I am not sure on the spelling. We were sitting across from one another during orientation and were going to get a pizza, but the Perky's Pizza was packed. Therefore, we took a transport home. I talked to my friend, Emily, which was nice. I have not spoken to her for any length since I have been her. I have orientation again tomorrow, all day....I will let you know how it goes.
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Natalie Henderson
6:50 AM
Monday, January 02, 2006
(All these pics are of my apartment...great sheets, aye?)
"Hope is a rare gift that, if we are lucky, comes to us with the power to heal our lives. I've come to know that the deepest sense of hope often springs from the hardest lessons in life. It is in the darkest skies that stars are best seen---perhaps it is divine irony that within the darkest moments we are capable of revealing the greatest light, demonstrating what is best with humanity." Richard Paul Evans, The Timepiece
Today was mostly empty of activity but good nonetheless. I was down last night, crying a bit and missing home and people. However, today was refreshing. I woke up on my own. I cooked eggs and mushrooms for breakfast with passion fruit juice. Shruti and I went to campus to check out the bookstore. I can get my books on Thursday morning...And by the way, the bookstore was quite nice. It had BAGELS; I was so excited. They have a lot of other stuff but it all comes at price. Like everything else on this island.
I tried two new things today... the first was sugar cane. It is a white fiber-like material with a sweet juice. You chew on the stuff to get the juice out, and then throw away the fibers. It was very good. They sell fresh sugar cane juice on Saturday's at D's fruit stand. The owner is Dawn, a large, loud local lady who is very sweet. They have great fruit and juice. The second thing I tried was an Indian bread Shruti's mom sent with her. It is wheat flour fried with lots of spices and veggies. It was very good and interesting to try.
Other than that I have spent alone time today, and I have enjoyed it. I watched JT's game on my computer, had tortilla chips as an afternoon snack, did small exercises in my room, and cleaned up. I am going to watch the UGA football game tonight. They play West Virginia. It should be a decent game. JT sold our tickets to Gary Garrett, my old boss at State Farm. I should make a shout out that the UGA Men's Basketball team won today, making them 10-3. Pretty great.
Here are my resolutions!
1. Lose weight (I will not tell my goal in case I don't make it...only few people know it.)
2. Establish more self esteem
3. To learn without a serious preoccupation with grades
4. Maintain and strengthen current friendships and relationships
5. Drink more water and less soda
Keep your comments and emails coming! I love getting them.
Shared with you by
Natalie Henderson
7:37 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Far left: Domincia's National Park; Middle: Emerald Pool: Right: Me, obviously, in the Carib territory overlooking the Atlantic Ocean
A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?" -Kahlil Gibran (I guess this is true. However, in my absence, life is happening. Isn't that what yesterday's quote said? I miss my friends dearly and desperately at times. Please know I am missing you.)
Happy New Year! (Though this will be posted on the 2nd, I started it on New Year's Day)
I hope everyone had a good New Year's. Though mine was not as I would have wanted it to be, it was fine. I ended up going with Shruti and Samaan to Portsmouth Beath Hotel restaurant. We stayed there with other students until the strike of midnight here. Then we watched the ball drop on the east coast. After that I went to my room, and while talking to Yvie, saw the central time zone celebrate the new year. So, in essence, I enjoyed new year's three times. It was not the same but it sufficed.
Today we saw several sightss around the island, as pictured above. I have many more pictures but I thought these were the best. We were in the vans most of the trip, but the sights were nice. I have signed up to go tomorrow to the largest waterfall on the island but I am not going to go...I am going to rest tomorrow.
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Natalie Henderson
5:20 PM
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