Sunday, January 01, 2006

Far left: Domincia's National Park; Middle: Emerald Pool: Right: Me, obviously, in the Carib territory overlooking the Atlantic Ocean

A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?" -Kahlil Gibran (I guess this is true. However, in my absence, life is happening. Isn't that what yesterday's quote said? I miss my friends dearly and desperately at times. Please know I am missing you.)

Happy New Year! (Though this will be posted on the 2nd, I started it on New Year's Day)
I hope everyone had a good New Year's. Though mine was not as I would have wanted it to be, it was fine. I ended up going with Shruti and Samaan to Portsmouth Beath Hotel restaurant. We stayed there with other students until the strike of midnight here. Then we watched the ball drop on the east coast. After that I went to my room, and while talking to Yvie, saw the central time zone celebrate the new year. So, in essence, I enjoyed new year's three times. It was not the same but it sufficed.

Today we saw several sightss around the island, as pictured above. I have many more pictures but I thought these were the best. We were in the vans most of the trip, but the sights were nice. I have signed up to go tomorrow to the largest waterfall on the island but I am not going to go...I am going to rest tomorrow.


Tara said...

Nat, it looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love reading your journal. You write like I wished I could. How amazing is all of this!! Miss you my sweet Nat!

Anonymous said...

Natalie, everything is so beautiful and you are such a beautiful person inside and out! No wonder God has blessed you so much! Love you and enjoy the experience.