This is a picture of my friend Emily, her husband Jason and their daughter Stella. It really stinks not getting to see Stella grow up, well other than through pictures.....which her mother seldomly send me. (just kidding....However, I should get on Jennifer or Laura's email list. Saying that, I wish everyone would send me more pictures.) I think this picture was taken on their vacation from this summer... I got to visit with them over my August break and got to see Stella begin to walk. I hate that I am going to miss her first birthday on October 26. Maybe JT can go in my place....Yo, Em, email me about Grey's and Texas.
For those of you who have tried to call me, the internet is out, AGAIN. What a surprise....I am not surprised whatsoever. I have a test one week from Monday so this weekend will be spent studying. I am actually playing basketball this afternoon in place of going to the gym.
I am not sure if I told you that Zubeida, Lindsey, Puja, Lisa, and I are going to Antigua in two weeks. I am looking forward to a nice little break. I am going to lay on the beach and get very tan. I plan to eat sushi and steak and play some 17, 21, 40 in a little Russian Roulette. It should be a good weekend.
Well, like I said above, please email me pictures. I love to see what home is like. Especially this time of year. I love the fall so send me some pictures of the pretty trees and pumpkins and all. I look forward to the pics!
Friday, September 29, 2006
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Natalie Henderson
2:09 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family”
Anthony Brandt
This is a long time coming but I sincerely love and appreciate my family more than they know. And those of you whom I don't have digital pictures of (Terri, Pam, Boshie, Rhonda....) I apologize. But I wanted to let you know how much your love and support mean to me. I appreciate you reading my blog, commenting, calling and doing all that you do. You can not imagine how much I appreciate it and love you for it. In the pictures, are my cousins Brandie's kids, Thomas going to school and Tatum in the carrier. The others are of me and Dad, mom and Lucy, and Gretch. I just wanted all of you to know how much I love and appreciate what you do for prayer, comfort, and love.
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Natalie Henderson
7:19 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” | |
I will not lie to you. I am very sad today. I want to be at home so badly that I am miserable. I had a great conversation last night with JT and got to talk to both my mom and my dad. However, when I woke up to go to class this morning, I could not do it. Thus, at 11:17am, I am still at home. Though I have missed my classes, which were not imperative anyhow, I have been studying pathology and immunology. So I guess I have not been a complete waste. Nevertheless, it is hard for me to put a fake, happy front today. I can't "fake it till I make it"today. I just miss my husband and parents and Gretchen and friends,.....Sarah, emily, Yvette, and so many more. I know it is on the downhill of being here but it does not make the pain any less real. I know those of you who read this want to hear all good things but the good things are sparse today. Lets see if I can think of good things....I am going to Antigua with some friends in 2 weeks, after our first exam. My TA sessions are going well. I have a good PBL instructor. Going to the gym seems to be paying off. I apologize but this is my main outlet, so therefore, I apologize for being down. But at least you know the truth of today. I love you guys and miss you more than you can fathom. |
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Natalie Henderson
11:18 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
I am bored to tears in a lecture on epidemiology. I don't even know if I spelled that correctly. And we have two more hours of this! I think I am going to pu on my headphones and study pharmocology for the next two hours. Seriously, this is horrible.
I was able to watch Grey's Anatomy last night. I was a bit disappointed because I thought for all of the build up there would be more excitement. Guess everything can't be perfect.
I hope you guys have a good weekend! Love you.
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Natalie Henderson
9:55 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
“There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.”
Don Juan deMarco
It is time to brag on my baby. Doesn't he look good? Personally, I think he looks pretty hot! I don't have time write much because I am preparing for class. I just wanted to brag on JT a bit. Have a good day!
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Natalie Henderson
12:33 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
These are pictures from the first day of Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM). I am with Lisa in the one pictures....The white coats are not flattering. They take on more of a refrigerator (sp?) shape. Vera Wang should go into Dr.'s coats. I don't look as good in these pictures as I did in reality. Anyways, playing doctor was fun. We will see how it goes. I don't have class till one so I am going to get up early and study and go to the gym. So, Bad Boys II is on. I am going to lay in bed and watch that! It is one of my all time favorite movies. Goodnight and talk to you later.
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Natalie Henderson
11:15 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
Tennessee Williams
Don't you just love the pictures? Kidding....but they are great. They are from Lindsey's birthday dinner at Fort Young hotel. I would name all of the people but I am not sure what order the pics are in. However, Lindsey is the one holding on of the birthday card I got her. I actually got her that one and another one because the other one plays music. I can't wait to give it to her on her actual birthday, Sunday. In the group picture, the front row is me, Lindsey, Zubeida, Lisa Cole, and Puja. In the back are Andrew and Lisa Foody. We had such a good time. Dinner was fabulous. Zuby, Puja, and I had sirloin; Lindsey and Lisa Cole had lobster while Andrew and Lisa Foody had grouper. I was excited that passion fruit Creme Brulee was on the menu. That was Lindsey's birthday cake, and they decorated the plate. I have a picture of it but could not get it to load. We had such a good time. One fun thing was getting dressed up. I thought that we looked pretty. I guess I am biased. I just love my friends pictured here and those not pictured here.
I was bad today. I did not study but a bit. I feel guilty but I did straighten my room. For those that know me, you know that can be a long job. Well I am so exhaused. I went to bed at 3:30 am yesterday and got up just before 8:00a. Needless to say, I am sleepy. Love you guys. Say a little prayer for me and my friends here. It is not easy here and need all of the support we can get.
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Natalie Henderson
6:34 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
“Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.”
Leon Trotsky
These are pictures from today after class. Puja had these shirts made for Lindsey's bday. They say "Everyone deserves to be a princess". This was a quote from Heidi on The HIlls from MTV. On the back, there are crowns and our names. I thought you would enjoy that.
Yet another testament to the frustrations of living here. I don't want to complain. However, this is so frustrating. For instance, I got my phone and internet fixed on Tuesday after many tears and angry words with the cable company. However, yesterday I was excited when I walked to the post office and saw my name marked, indicating that I had mail. It was the package that JT had sent with some of the things that I could not fit into my bags. Most importantly, my memory card for the camera, a pair of jeans and workout pants, and other random things. I really wanted the memory card because we are going to dinner for my friend's birthday tonight..... Well, I went to get the package yesterday, and the customs guy was not there. So, I went back this morning, but what a surprise, he was not there. When he did get there, he indicated that "SHE", whomever she is, was sick and they could not do anything without her. Basically, all "she" does is take money, but whatever. For whatever reason, they refer to each other using pronouns here. At the cable company, they kept referring to someone is charge as "HIM". I was like "who is him"? But SERIOUSLY! Therefore, it does not look like I will be able to get my package today, maybe Monday, if then. It is just really really really frustrating here. You develop patience but at some point after being here for so long you just can't stand it anymore. If it was not for having friends, I would go absolutely nuts here. I am sorry that I am complaining, but it is just so frustrating here. Anyways!
Like I was saying, we are taking my friend, Lindsey, to dinner at Fort Young tonight. Her birthday is actually Sunday, but we are going to eat tonight. I think we may go to PBH afterwards because it is also Love's, Raj's, and Jior's birthdays so a lot of people will be hanging out there. However, I can not stay out too late because I have my first TA session for anatomy tomorrow at 11 am. I am actually nervous. I will get over it, though. Well I am going to go pay attention.
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Natalie Henderson
10:13 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
These are pictures from Friday night. My friend Puja is holding the most delicious cake. She brought back three cakes from Ohio and this is the one we ate Friday night. It was great. Anyways, we had a great time hanging out. Today, Sunday, has been full of studying and such. I am really missing JT because I can not talk to him. Of course, our phone and internet are still out. What a shock? I am angry about it now so I am going to take care of it tomorrow before I go to the gym. Fortunately I do not have ICM or clinic tomorrow so I do not have class. Hopefully then I can talk to all of you who may feel neglected.
Anyways. I assume people still read this despite the minimal comments. I don't know if that is saying I am putting up bad posts, people are busy, or what. If you have a sec, I would love to hear from you on hear or by . Love you guys!
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Natalie Henderson
4:01 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future. Quevedo
These are more random pictures from my break. I have yet to take any pictures since I have been back. (The sunset was in Jamestown, KY....almost rivaling Dominica). Hopefully tonight I will take more.....Puja brought back cake from a Cincinnati bakery so Linds and I are going to break our diet to have a piece.....Ultra exciting! Yes, Lindsey and I have started dieting and exercising. It really stinks when, like me, you love candy. My new candy are the strawberry Special K bars. For only 90 calories, they are not bad. Linds tells me they do not have enough protein but nevertheless, they quench the sweet craving.
I am really excited because the second season of Grey's Anatomy comes out on DVD on Tuesday. Granted, I cannot go to Wal-Mart and buy it....but when I get back, I definitely will. Also, the actual third season starts on Thursday, September 21....I know I am crazy but I have to have something to look forward to.
I am sorry to those I have not called yet. My telephone and internet have been out for 2 weeks and still are not fixed. I am quite frustrated about it, but I won't go there. I just can't use the computer at home. I have to use my cell to call JT, which can be frustrating with service and cost. Anyways....
I hope the weekend is good for anyone....Oh, and don't forget you can't wear white is after labor day. (I still can because it is summer year round down here :) Just wanted to rub it in.)
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Natalie Henderson
10:14 AM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go.
Sylvia Robinson
Have you ever thought about who you really are? Better yet, have you ever considered who you are to other people? I was just thinking of it recently. How do people really see me? When someone thinks of Natalie Henderson, what exactly do they think of? I began thinking of this after going home to Stanford and Somerset, especially since the plane crash in Lexington.....what would people have said of me if I were on that plane? I was in Coleman's drug store in Stanford, Kentucky buying my favorite drink, an orange aide, when I saw a gentleman I have known all of my life. He was talking to me about how he loved the way that I played basketball in high school. I began to wonder if people from my hometown still see that version of me, the high school basketball player that lived in Dix River who was pretty smart and a decent kid. I know, this may seem like self-actualization crap to some of you. However, it is really something I would like to know....when people hear my name, what comes to mind....?
In case you did not know, I am back in Dominica. I am actually in Microbiology class right now......what a blast! I am taking Micro, Pharmocology, Pathology, and Behavioral Science this semester. It is nice to be doing something different. I decided to be an anatomy teacher's assistant...I may live to regret it but I thought it would be a good review for my board exam.
Anyways....I hope things are well at home. I love and miss everyone greatly!
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Natalie Henderson
1:13 PM
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