Wednesday, October 01, 2008

For my sister....

Gretchen told me it was time to update the blog. Since she is my boss.... (I am rolling my eyes)

I do not have pictures to put on right now because the adapter is packed on a moving truck somewhere between NYC and KY. We are in Somerset, KY now. JT started work today at my dad's office while I spend the morning meeting with the credentialing coordinator at the hospital and the office manager for the surgeons. I had to get some forms completed and receive my schedule for the next eight weeks. In case you are interested, I am working with one doc, Dr. Brown, the first four weeks, and Dr. Patterson the second four weeks. With Dr. Brown, we work Mon-Thur with half of the day in the operating room and half of the day in office. We have one weekend of call, which is different than I am used to in that I just have to be in town as opposed to sleeping in the hospital for 24 hours..... I am also allowed, according to the office manager Cheryl, I will be able to round on his hospital patients in the morning and scrub into surgeries. It is going to be long hours with a lot of work but I am excited to get started and learn.

It is a change to be back in Kentucky. Reverse culture shock so to speak. I will let you know how it goes...At least we are close to again. But I will miss many NYC things. Anyways...
So here you are gretch...a new post with new songs just for you.

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