Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pediatric Cold....

Ironically, I have not missed a real day of my core rotations since starting. (Now in medicine I missed a few days but it was a different kind of rotation). My attendance is mostly due to the fact that I have not really been sick this year. Well, that was until I started pediatrics. By Wednesday night, I had a scratchy throat. And yesterday, the headache, running nose and cough came with it...Today, stomach issues. Tonight, thankfully, I feel much better. JT is happy I feel good now so that I will pick up my clothes and books. He hates my disorderly nature, but I am working on it. We all have faults, but some die hard.

I just finished reading a good book my friend Paige loaned me. If anyone is looking for a quick ready, I highly recommend this one. It is called "The Man with the Iron Tattoo." It is written by two neurologists in Pennsylvania and is about their careers and patients. It is a book that made me, as a future doctor think differently about my patient encounters and medicine as a whole. It was moving and educational all at the same time. And even for those who are not in medicine, it is still a great read. Two thumbs up from me!

On Friday, I was able to see a patient with cerebral palsy with the pediatric neurologist. Now he was a third grader, but he was born at 28 weeks, suffered from a lack of oxygen, and underwent an emergency c-section. He can read like a four year old but can't write because he does not have fine motor skills. He was precious. He could not verbalize much. However, when asked about current events, he told us that Barack Obama was running for president against the white haired man. It makes me thankful for my health and prayful for the health of my future children. But it also demonstrated the true capacity of children to smile and to love. He adored his mother and constantly grinned and smiled.

Well I guess I am going to go. It is midnight and need to get some sleep. Supposedly I signed for a 10k next weekend and have not really trained for it. So I am in for crash training this week or I am walking it. We shall see. And there is church tomorrow too. Oh, and I have to put together a power point presentation for Thursday on tracheo-esophageal fistulas and esophageal atresia....yuck!

Have a great Sunday.

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