Thursday, July 17, 2008

So Maybe It is Inappropriate.......

So maybe it is inappropriate to talk about the GYN portion of my OBGYN rotation, but I don't really care. It is my blog after all. I was in a satellite clinic of sorts today. We only saw patients in the afternoon. Of course every other student who has gone to this clinic got out at 2-3 in the afternoon....not me and was after five. Not only that. It was only us two and one resident. And I was the only female. Why does that matter? For all of those ladies out there, you know there must be a female in the room during any examination. Needless to say I was busy.... And once you have done one pap smear, you have done them all...granted, there is some variation here and there, but really!!!!! It was refreshing though, to meet a sixteen year old who was not sexually active and trying to study in order to get into Columbia. Trust me that is not a common occurrence in the population we deal with. So anyways, I am tired of vaginas right now and glad tomorrow is my last clinic day. Thankfully next week is gyn surgery....maybe a little better.. but I am on call Monday night, yuck.
Well, on that note, have a great weekend! miss everyone at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow,you have been a busy girl!! Babies and va jay jay's every where. We are all good. Took our trip to Greece, that was pretty amazing & we had a great time.McKensie & Brett are busy with summer jobs for now. Just wanted to drop you a note.
Love you,
Pam & Joey