Monday, February 11, 2008

Hello! As I promised, ESPN's top ten moments from Bobby Knight!!! I think it hilarious. Sorry if you are offended but curse words are bleeped and it is so funny!

I hope everyone is having a great week. Not much is going on with us. We oddly have two days off and next Monday. No complaints here, though. JT and I ran four miles yesterday, not fun, but part of the half marathon training. I thought it would take me over an hour but I was able to finish in 46 minutes....YAY! But it was hard as......heck! OH!!! I know most of you do not watch every airing of Sports Center like we do....however, did you see the hockey clip from yesterday???? Yeah yeah, I are thinking "hockey, seriously?" Well I don't know the team or player but a pro hockey player had his carotid cut by another player's blade....and HE LIVED. How crazy is that? Just thought I would share.

So for Lent...I have given up Starbucks! I have not had starbucks lately but it is a luxury that I enjoy very much. This is good for my health and wallet! I know it is simplistic but nonetheless, it is something! Have a great week and I would love to hear from everyone.

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