Saturday, July 14, 2007

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle
My Jelly fish sting on my right thigh

Me and JT at Blue Bay for dinner
Marta, Angie, Me, Jess, Laurel after our last game of basketball
Me studying before diving

Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside.~Hugh Macleod
I am so behind on updating everyone....First, JT is here now, and I am enjoying his presence very much. We went to ribs and to Fusion last night. He has been so good and cleaned my kitchen so well.... We are actually getting ready to walk to Tina's for power and milk. Tomorrow I am going to do some studying and go to church and the gym. It is just nice to have him here.

I started my surgery rotation this week. Of course, I love it thus far. We have one more week of it. On Thursday, we were in the surgical theatre and got to scrub in and assist with surgery. Lisa helped performed a circumcision; Laurel drained an abscess and helped with a prostate removal; I closed to direct hernia incisions. The next day we saw 40 patients in the outpatient clinic. I enjoy it so much but it is truly exhausting. It is just a glimpse of the profession I have chosen.

Unfortunately I was stung Monday by a jelly fish. I had a really bad reaction and had to go to the hospital for a steroid shot. It was the worst pain I have ever had. Then, two days later Eunice dislocated her finger resulting in a chipped bone while we were playing flag football. It was not a great week in that regards for either of us....painful to say the least.

Friday was my last night of basketball. It was kind of sad for me because it has been one of the things I have looked forward to each Friday since second semester. It was funny though, because there was hardly anyone there. Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun and played hard.

Anyways, I hope that you all of you have a good weekend. I will try to be better about posting!

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