Friday, December 01, 2006

"She asked me when the season of joy was supposed to end & I said I didn't really think there was an exact date, so we left the tree up till June that year. " from ( The pictures are from the Thanksgiving we had at our house. The others are from Dad's Thanksgiving at my Aunt Carol and Uncle Dean's house. The ESPN one is from our football game.)


I hope that everyone is having a good holiday season. It really stinks being here because for those of you that know me, know that I absolutely love everything about Christmas. I love the tacky crazy blow up Santas and reindeer that light up. I love the endless movies like the Grinch (both versions), Christmas Vacation, Love Actually (a new favorite), Rudolph movie, and believe it or not, I have never seen Miracle on 34th St or A Christmas Story. I love the annoying Christmas carols that everyone hates. I have over 50 in my itunes right now and could have more if JT would let me buy them online. I love the endless snowmen that my mom decorates with (it would not be Christmas without it). Or the bells we put around Asia's neck and feet..... I love waiting for the snow that normally does not come and the Christmas tree and the nativity scene and the fact that God actually thought enough of me to have his only son lie in barn full of animals only to die thirty two years later. That is quite a lovely thing that is often lost. However, being here away from everything that I love about Christmas at home, I can actually reflect on what God actually gave me, the best gift that I can not get at Old Navy or Aveda or Lerner or anywhere else. It is hard to remember the real reason sometimes, especially for a Christmas-aholic like myself....
Just a thought. Love you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that Love Actually movie too. I never really got into Christmas decorating before as the holidays were not the best time of year for me, until now. With Brian and his family I really enjoy celebrating. Hope to see you sometime soon, you look great! Will a showing of Love Actually at my house entice you and JT to come over?