Friday, September 05, 2008

Hurricanes in New York?

I mean, really? A hurricane is supposed to hit New York City. So maybe it is not really hurricane strength. But the winds and rains from Hurricane Hannah, I think, are going to be around her tomorrow. Thankfully for me, I am off tomorrow. Unfortunately, JT has to work. I am making up for it though; I have to go in for twelve hours on last official day at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center... And it feels great. The last three weeks are spent at St. John's, where I did my OBGYN rotation. It is closer to home, and I can drive...relieving my subway stress and perpetual sweating before the day even begins.

I hope everything is going well at home. We are moving home in 25 days. It is crazy that it is so close. I talked to the hospital in Somerset today. I have a lot of paperwork and logistics to work out in the three days before I start. However, running around town in Somerset is a lot easier than New York City.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. My friend, Paige, is taking her step 2 (the second board exam) this coming Wednesday... Say a little prayer for her...Board exams are very stressful.
Again, miss you guys. Have a great weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hope you are having a great Saturday! All is well here - rainy but great weather temp. Grandpa is doing fine. I know it will good for your families to have you back in KY. Sounds like you will be living in Somerset. Hope to see you soon.

Take care and I am so proud of all your many accomplishments.

Love you sweetie,

Aunt Kat