Saturday, August 30, 2008


Some people think routine is boring or that sameness and repetition can lead to a monotonous and mundane life. Well, in many regards, I agree. But with adventures I have encountered in the last few years, and multiple moves and separations and changes, a weekend like this makes me thankful for "typical weekend." Since JT and I have known each other, we have both been HUGE sports fan. Those of you who know us are acutely aware of this. And though JT was a basketball coach and fan as long as I have known him, the fall sports season has always been our favorite. Saturday College Gameday Football on ESPN, NFL Sundays, and baseball playoffs. While I was in Dominica and last year moving around, we had to forfeit this much loved part of our year and our relationship. Well, this weekend is the first one of the year. AND the Cubs are on TV, which is rare in NYC Yankee/ Mets land. Plus we have been following the Dallas Cowboys on HBO's Hard Knocks, so we can watch them tomorrow. As well as watching UK vs. UofL.... I know most of this is not of interest to anyone, except, well me. This goes with out saying that between quarters and innings we, well, I, will have to watch politics.... Such is life, but now, at least, it is starting to feel like real life.

Also, I know I am weird but I love sending cards. I love shopping for, picking out and sending cards. If you are close to me, you know this to be true. Today, I wanted to go to Hallmark to just browse. JT just laughs at me and goes along. The only compromise was that if he let me "card shop" for people I had likely sent a card to last week, I had to let him listen to as much George Jones as he wants....AND let him sing as loudly as he wants. I guess it was worth it. I got to buy some cards, but had to listen to "Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes" and "He Stopped Loving her Today." But, again, I guess it is worth it.

Well, I am going to go study pediatrics and review old material. I have some week areas that need freshing before starting surgery! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...