Peace.......This is another scene at dad's houseboat on Lake Cumberland. It had been storming all day on the 4th of July and this makes me think of the calm after the storm. It also makes think about appreciating the small moments we have each day. One of the other medical students I am doing my OBGYN rotation with lost a high school friend this past Thursday. The friend died in a plane crash. While it is sad and I hate seeing her grieve, it reminds me that each day is gift and a blessing. And being so, we should try to be more peaceful. I have been reminded of this and am going to make attempts to realize the small moments of peace in each day.
On a lighter and different note, I finished my fourth week of OBGYN. The past two weeks I was in GYN surgery. Most days, there were not many scheduled surgeries, but on Friday we had eight on the schedule. My surgery was at the end of the day and was called a Bartholin's cyst marsupialization. The bartholin's gland is a small gland that is found on each side of the vaginal opening. In some women, it can become infected. Normally they can be drained in the office and treated with sitz baths. However, they can easily recur. If this happens they can form abscesses and more aggressive treatment is necessary. What we did was take a scalpel and make a small incision in the abscess, drain it (which is DISGUSTING). Then the skin is folded over and sewn open so that another pocket will not form and decrease the likelihood of another abscess. I know that this is way too much medicine. But at the same time, I thought it was a neat procedure and I learned a lot and actually knew more about the treatment and did more reading that one of the residents so that was good.
Well, have a good weekend. Lata Gata!
Peace Project... updated
11 years ago
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