Monday, May 12, 2008

So I have been a bad blogger, which however, is good for me because that means I have been busy. On Monday, Wednesday, and the last few Fridays, JT and I have been running. I work late (till 8) on Thursdays. This past weekend was exceptionally busy. Friday night I went to dinner with my friend Eunice to a Mexican restaurant in Manhattan. On Saturday, JT and I took the train to Stamford, Connecticut to pick up the car he bought. It is a 2003 Camry with only 30k miles. It was a pretty good deal, especially because of the age and it is fuel efficient seeing as how gas prices are crazy. This a picture of it in the show room. I really like it and JT is happy about it.
Anyways, I will try not to wait as long before I post again! Have a great week!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I just checked my blog yesterday and I got your message. Yah!!! for doing intership in TN!!! Yes we will have to get together!! I will give you my phone # buy email and we can met up okay!!! Yah you have a car again!!!!