Sunday, March 02, 2008

Subway Anyone?

You always hear the New York subway is crazy and scary and any extreme adjective you can think of. Well I have two great stories for you. The first one I may have told you before...

  • 1) In November I was on the F train going to the hospital in Jamaica, Queens. An old white game came onto the train pulling a wagon with a boom box playing "Love Shack". In the wagon, there were several audio tapes and boxes of Capri Suns, both for sale. It was so random and hilarious. I would tell people about it, and they would laugh but you could tell they were skeptical. However, this week, the same guy, now known as "Capri Sun guy", was on JT's train. So now I have support! I was so excited. JT did say that he was not playing music and had painted the wagon orange....Nonetheless, someone else has seen Capri Sun guy!
  • 2) But today may top all of the stories. We had to wait 25 minutes for the N train to pick us up at 23rd St after church. After finally getting on and sitting down, we hear extremely loud talking directly behind us. It was a lady who had smoked way too many cigarettes or, according to JT, had been swallowing gravel for years. She was with two guys on the train and they may have been homeless. Though they likely were in a sad situation, they were out of control with the lady as the ring leader! She was singing nursery rhymes like "rub a dub dub, three men in a tub." After which she said "What the *#&* were they doing in the tub?" This went on and on at many decibels louder than someone should be on the train. She then went on talking about robbing a bodega in Rockaway Beach, stomping grapes like Lucille Ball, and talking to Uncle Frank? I mean, Seriously? No one know how to react or what say. I could not help but giggle. JT was chastising mef or laughing but it was funny.
I hope you enjoy these stories! JT is studying and I am watching basketball. I start in the Bronx tomorrow. I hope you have a great week.

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