Friday, February 22, 2008


Well it is snowing like crazy here so I thought I would share a pic! The City is beyond that white sheet of snow....Enjoy.

And, well, today is my birthday and I feel yucky. I did not go to work. You know when you have a heavy head like the sickness is setting in. Well, it sucks on your birthday. Yet, there is some good to come of it....My handsome husband got all dressed in his suit and such and took off to work in the snow. I can imagine his frustration. Well I get a call about an hour later. Because of the weather, their office is shut down, but the agent did not have his cell number....SOOOO JT is coming home, which is exciting that I won't be alone on my birthday. It is strange for me. The last two years I have been in the ole Dominica for my birthday; I turned 23 and 24 there. And, ironically, it is snowing today. How crazy! Last year, Lisa Foody, my lovely friend, decorated our classroom and we went to eat lobster at this Dominica restaurant playing 50 Cent music and we went out to a little party. This year....I am snowed in sick in NYC alone (until JT gets home). I just think it is interesting how life changes in a year...not for the worse at all, but just differently. I got two gifts yesterday...JT's mom sent me this specific lip gloss I love, some cookies, and a great gift card from New York and Company. My friend Lisa also sent me a gift card there....I wish the weather was better so I could use the gifts!!! My dad gave me money, which is awesome. I am waiting for my mom's gift that she mailed....with the weather, I don't know how long things will take to get here...for some reason, I get mail slower though I am in the biggest city in the world. I think it is also funny...Jennifer Lopez delivered her twins today, on my birthday, in a NYC hospital. Funny huh? Me, George Washington, and her babies.....the most important people around.....Just kidding. So now I am a quarter of a century, half of fifty! Kind of crazy. I remember turning 15 and thinking, how much fun! And thinking how old thirty was..... Man, that seems like forever ago!

As for yesterday's blog, when I asked what you all thought.....I meant what do think about the perfectly healthy lady ending up on death's bed after a two week rehab stay. I am torn up over this poor lady and I just wanted to know what you all think about it.

Well, have a great day and a great weekend.

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