Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

A new blog for a new year. I thought it was an appropriate change with the start of a new year.....I hope you can appreciate the change. It has been a busy and eventful holiday season for us. I have tried something new today by documenting our last week in pictures and captions....Just something new to switch it up. Speaking of something new.....After the New Year, I am going to be mixing up my blogs. I will continue with updates of what is going on with us. However, I am going to be writing on real topics...for example, I will take quotes and analyze them, as well as political topics, current events or random things. This may throw some of you off and as well, you may not agree with all of it. But in any event, I will go from discussing minimal life events to things much bigger than ourselves. If you all have any ideas, please feel free to email me or post a comment.

1. Here is the beginning of our holiday season....We went to the Knicks vs. Lakers game on Dec 23 at Madison Square Garden. It was much better than the last NBA game we saw (the Hawks vs the Knicks two years ago....for those of you that know, that was an awful game.) Every seat in MSG is a good seat so we could see very well.

2. This is one of the main reasons we went to see the game....the watch Kobe Bryant play. It goes without saying that we do not agree with who Kobe is as a person. However, his game is as smooth as it comes. His jumpshot is fluid and he plays at a level above the rest.....needless to say JT really enjoyed it.

3. This is my neighbor's daughter, Jenny, and her friend Arianna on Monday when I was babysitting them. As you can see, they are playing in my makeup....playing "make-over."

4. This is me after they played "make-over" on me....can't you see the eyeliner going vertical rather on my lid.

5. This is the opening of our presents.....We opened our presents on Christmas Eve so we could sleep, like I said before. I am showing off one of the paintings JT got me for Christmas. He got me two pieces of art to hang above our couch in the living. I really like them and he did such a good job with all of my Christmas gifts.

6. This is JT with an Old Navy sweater I got for him. It is pink, grey, and black....He will look so cute once he wears it.

7. This is JT's big gift....the series of King of Queens. We love this show and ironically think it is very similar to our marriage sometimes. If you can't tell, the box looks like Doug's delivery truck. I hope he liked the gift as much as I liked mine.

8. My mom sent us money for Christmas but she did pose as Santa by sending me a real Santa bag filled with clothes. I had to show this because it was so "Christmas." You can see my manger scene in the background if you look hard enough...

9. Like I promised, here is JT putting together a Barbie house. He is getting practice for our future daughters.....though I pray everyday for boys because I think JT would be too overprotective with girls!

10. The dressing, turkey, green bean casserole, and mac & cheese.....YUM

11. The sweet potatoes and my new mashed potato recipe....Even better!

12. JT and Jenny washing the dishes. Again, what a great daddy he is going to be someday....maybe 2 or 3 least that is the plan for now....He can wait that long. And if not, there is always Asia.

13. A shot from our typical day. JT giving me 'bunny ears' and me not noticing....

14. I don't know why it is underlining now....who really knows. I can't figure out my computer. This is my mom and Kayla as we took a horse drawn carriage ride through central park.

15. See now, no underlining, who knows. This is the view from Battery Park looking at Ellis Island. We did not get to go because we waited too late in the day to get ferry tickets. However, the view is still impeccable.

16. This is a picture of Kayle, my mom, me and Gaelle (her exchange student) with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

17. And finally, the true evidence of my aunt and mom's trip.....Shop or Die....This is my normally vibrant cousin McKensie passed out at eight o'clock surrounded by her purses, evidence of shopping. She did wake up and go to dinner with us....but it was quite a cute picture.

Well that is it. I hope you enjoy the blog changes and todays pictures and post. I wish everyone a safe and happy new year. in case you are wondering what we are doing, the answer is the same as last year....NOTHING. We both have to be at work at seven in the morning. However, after work ,we are going to see the movie KiteRunner, based on the book we both love. Again, I hope everyone has a great night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do realize that if you give your opinion of something that I diasgree with that I will have to state my opinion. Doesn't that worry you with an open forum such as this?? HA! Love You Dad