Thursday, January 11, 2007

JT and I were playing with my mom's bedroom decorations......we are bad children..... But the pictures are hilarious. At least I think so.... Sorry it has been a few days since I posted. I have been getting settled and feeling overwhelmed with all of the school that we have coming at us. I already feel behind. Plus I have to make a decision about staying here or going to Miami.

I am still doing my running. I ran to Portsmouth and back this morning. It is about 2 miles but the way back was mostly walking. I am struggling with this running thing. It was easy when it was only to lose weight but now that it is actual training, it is much much harder. Or at least harder than I thought it would be causing a lot of frustration for me. I know, though, that I will pull through it and finish.
I hope everything is good at home. I hear there have been snow flurries since I left.....not a surprise that it did not snow the entire time I was there but it happens now! Oh well!
Have a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and JT had way too much time on your hands. I love the pictures. Your pictures from the Holidays are great.