Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So, I've (JT) been taking some heat on here for not having a Christmas tree in the apartment. I figure it's time to clear the air. Contrary to popular opinion (or at least Emily's), I am not Scrooge! We all know how crazy Natalie is about Christmas and most of you know that I have a twisted sense of humor, so I kept telling Natalie we could not have a tree this year because we had no place to store it once Christmas is over. Anyone who has been to our apartment would know those reservations are well-based. I had plans all along to get Natalie a tree. However, if it were up to her, we would put out our Christmas decorations in September.

One day while Natalie was at the hospital, I went and bought her a real tree. Lugging it ten blocks down Broadway in Queens was not my finest moment. Buying a real tree solved two problems: 1) Natalie has always wanted a real tree (both of us were burdened to have siblings who are allergic to Christmas trees- how un-American) and 2) I would not have to be stumbling over a boxed-up artificial tree from January to November.

This has been one of the best Christmas' for me personally. Natalie and I are together again, which is awesome. I am living in the greatest city in the world, although I could do without working retail at this time of year in the largest city in the US. If only Asia could be with us!

Know that all of our family and friends will be missed at this special time of year. I hope everyone takes time away from all the busy-ness of the holidays and reflects upon what we are truly celebrating: that God gave up His only son to come to a condemned earth and save you and I

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