JT and Natalie Henderson
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Natalie Henderson
11:21 PM
trying to remember when it stopped being theory & turned into real life, because theory was a whole lot easier... from storypeople.com (I don't have any pictures right now....sorry)
I will get to see JT in approximately 51 hours. Needless to say, I am quite excite. This weekend is our fourth semester banquet. We are going to Fort Young Hotel, as are many of my classmates and friends, and swimming before the banquet and sleeping there afterwards. I am excited because Mom and I picked out a really pretty dress when I was at home over Christmas and she then sent me a great pair of shoes to wear with the dress.....It looks really good. I should have some very good pictures after this weekend. On Friday, I am taking JT to the rib place in Portsmouth. Before that, though, I am taking him to my basketball game. We are not going to play but I want him to meet the girls that I play ball with every week. Saturday we are going to Roseau early in the morning and having brunch at this "quaint" place on the water. Then we are going to swim all day. Maybe I will get a tan....not burnt! We leave for the banquet at 4:30 and who knows how long that will last....Then most people are going back to Fort Young afterwards to hang out. On Sunday, I am not sure what we are going to do. Maybe go to the beach and to church. Who knows.....gotta love spontaneity.
I hope things are going well at home. We had our second exam Monday. I can not believe I only have 2.5 weeks left of my basic sciences. Basically that means everything I need to know from a book, I should know in the next two and half weeks. That is kind of scary. The whole month of April is spent taking exams...no classes. Quite stressful but it is almost over.
Let me know how things are going!!!! I miss everyone very much.
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Natalie Henderson
10:06 AM
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Natalie Henderson
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