Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Resolutions, Goals, Efforts...
(I know this is ten days late but I figured if I put it out there, at least I would have something/someone to hold me accountable.)

1) Read 10 non-medical books..... ~I am almost finished with the first one, "To Be Told" by Dan Alender, that JT got me for Christmas. The next one will be "I Know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb that Denise and Daniel bought me. After that, I am open to suggestions.

2) Lose Weight.....
~I realize almost all Americans have this goal. My weight goes up and down all the time but I really want to lose weight for reasons beyond myself now. I want to be at a healthier weight so that when we are ready for children, my body is a good home. Plus, I just really want to be thinner overall. My goal is 40-50 pounds, a little bit at a time, by next year.

3) Choose a Specialty..... ~This is not one that I may or may not meet like the above two. I have to do this. However, I want to make a prayerful and well thought out decision. Thus, it is a resolution.

4) Enjoy more time with my husband and family.....
~Once I start residency, my time will not be my own. The same is true for much of my career. So during this year and the first half of 2010, I want to take time to enjoy my husband, his family, my family and our friends.

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