Saturday, September 06, 2008

Rainy Day In......

It is raining like crazy....I guess secondary to that whole hurricane thing. JT is taking a nap because he worked today. I have been binge watching episodes of House on USA. I have not watched it since being in Dominica. I have, of course, seen all of these episodes but still enjoy watching them. Speaking of Dominica, I found out online today that they found a new professor dead early this morning. I do not think I knew who it was (names have not been given yet) because it was supposedly a new professor. However the rumor going around, which really is not fair to spread without actual verification, is that he/she was found at one of the local drug dealer's homes. Like many things at Ross, all of the details are just speculation. Nevertheless, it is just so unfortunate the effect the island has on some people.

On a happier note, I just wanted to post a few pictures my aunt Kathy sent me. She is one of my dad's sisters... I hope you enjoy. I still love getting pictures, even I am home from Dominica.....

My Aunt Mickey (dad's other sister) at Kathy's house
My cousin Mark's daughter Maddy Kate in front of her playhouse
My Aunt Kathy is the second back on the left side
My cousin Mark's son, Ben (in the red), while in Alaska

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