Saturday, January 13, 2007

Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.
Tom Krause

This quote goes out to two groups of people, JT's team pictured at the left, and to all those trying to train for a half marathon. I have 23 days to be able to solidly run three miles and dont know how I will ever do it, much less 13.... Granted, I know that I will finish but I may die trying.....The same thing goes out to JT's team. IT is does not matter how many games that they win or lose but how hard they play. Yeah yeah, everyone, myself included, wants to win. However, to try hard and play hard even when the odds are against you, to me that is more honorable than winning when you are expected to.

Anyways, that is my little diatribe for today. I must go study some "intro to clinical medicine" and pharmacology (heart drugs).......Love you guys and miss you all so much already.

1 comment:

Natalie Henderson said...

Agreed! If nothing else, we will lose more weight! I am going running today sometime later but it is raining like crazy right now. I might just have to get wet. You are brave throwing the 2 hour 45 minute goal. I just want to finish.....and now, finishing is a distant concept....but we will do it!