Saturday, August 12, 2006

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Scott Hamilton

These are pictures from my friend Puja' pre-birthday party at Calibishie Lodges. Her real birthday is Monday, August 14th, but we took her out on Friday night. It was both a great and horrible night all at once. Dinner was fabulous, lobster, crab, crepes, passion fruit drinks..... JT was the dj for the ride coming home.....Needless to say, he brought the house down. Fortunately for JT, he left Saturday morning. He could not wait to get home and have some real food and ice and other small things that make life in the States much easier. Thankfully, I will be coming home on Thursday. Just please say a prayer that I do okay on my last few exams to ensure that I move on to third semester. I would really appreciate the prayers, and shout one up for my friends as well. Also, keep us in mind during our travels. Traveling from here is difficult enough as is. The new added regulations, though completely necessary, make leaving here a bit more difficult.

I hope that everyone has a good week. Can't wait to come home!!!!!!!

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